Andrea 3491621363
Giulia 3930170445
Siamo una piccola azienda agricola, la nostra azienda è anche la nostra abitazione privata, non abbiamo un orario di apertura, per visite in azienda è richiesto preavviso telefonico
Cascina Brontola si trova a circa 18 Km da Piacenza, 10 km da Rivergaro.
Da Piacenza percorrendo la strada provinciale 40, prima del castello di Rivalta, girare a destra, ed in seguito prendere il terzo svincolo a sinistra, ci trovate dopo 2 km sulla sinistra
“Why do farmers farm, given their economic adversities on top of the many frustrations and difficulties normal to farming? And always the answer is: “Love. They must do it for love.” Farmers farm for the love of farming. They love to watch and nurture the growth of plants. They love to live in the presence of animals. They love to work outdoors. They love the weather, maybe even when it is making them miserable. They love to live where they work and to work where they live. If the scale of their farming is small enough, they like to work in the company of their children and with the help of their children.”
Dove siamo
Cascina Brontola Società Agricola
Località Brondoli 2
29010, Gazzola (PC)
Andrea 3491621363
Giulia 3930170445
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